
Year-end Banquet of Chinatungsten

The end of Lunar 2014 for a company is Year-end Banquet, which has been a method for a company to celebrate the success of a year. In Chinatungsten, we also hold this kind of activity, for not only a feast but a great ceremony. All members of Chinatungsten are gathering together to share and remember the past a year. In 2014, Chinatungsten has held lots of activities, including Pingpong competition, Darts competition, Ball checkers for entertainment, and also contract exam, book sharing and learning team for learning more knowledge.

At the same time, Chinatungsten has invited hotshots to play good performances in this ceremony, such as magic, singing, playing…

Besides, Chinatungsten team also has organized for some programs, such as dancing, games…

All has been going smoothly and with laugh and happiness. Members are getting the honor and prize according to their eforts they had made.

Best wishes for Chinatungsten  and all members for 2015, fighting!

