
WZ8 Zirconiated Tungsten Electrode


WZ8 zirconiated tungsten electrode contains about 0.8% zirconium dioxide, and the number 8 refers to content of the zirconium tungsten electrode. The best advantage of zirconium tungsten electrode is that the electrode tail can maintain the state of the ball even under high load current conditions, so that it can avoid the contamination of workpiece in welding to a certain extent. Therefore, WZ8 zirconium tungsten electrode has become the best choice to replace pure tungsten electrode for majority of businesses.


WZ3 and WZ8 are the main two trademarks of zirconiated tungsten electrode, which are named in according with the content of zirconium oxide. Zirconium tungsten electrode also contains about 98% of tungsten.
CodeImpurityImpurity Content%Othere Impurity%Electron Work FunctonColor
WZ8ZrO20.70 - 0.90< 0.202.5 - 3.0White


Tip of WZ8 zirconiated tungsten electrode is white. WZ8 zirconiated tungsten electrode contains about 8% zirconium dioxide, which can improve the efficiency of arcing and its AC welding. Compared to pure tungsten electrode, zirconium tungsten electrode can maintain good arc stability. The most important point is that it can prevent workpiece from being influenced by the W after melting to a large extent in the case of the high load current. Excellent corrosion resistance is a major feature of WZ8 zirconium tungsten electrode.


Zirconium dioxide is an oxide whose hardness only to diamond. It can be prepared by zirconium oxychloride fumed, colloidal, dipping, hydrolysis, high temperature hydrolysis method, alkoxide solution. This type electrode also contains a little yttria, also known as yttrium oxide.
More details, please contact sales@chinatungsten.com.

