
Tungsten Granule CS Analyzer - Carbon Solution Preparation

CS analyzer is an instrument to test content of C and S, and tungsten granule is used an adding element to accelerate the reaction speed.

Preparation of carbon testing solution
Reagent: Potassium hydroxide (50%) is stored in plastic bottles, thymol phthalide (0.5%) ethanol solution, ethanol (95%), ethanolamine, glycerol

Carbon absorption solution preparation
Add 500ml ethanol (95%), 30ml ethanolamine, 10ml thymolphthalein, 20ml glycerol (summer may not add), diluted with ethanol to a solution of potassium hydroxide (50%) (test steel 5ml / l, iron 10ml / l) 1L, shake, storage.

Carbon calibration solution preparation is the same as absorption solution.

More details, please contact Chinatungsten by email sales@chinatungsten.com.

