
Sapphire Growth Technique History

The history of sapphire growth technique has been more than 100years, since 1885, Fremy, Feil and Wyse applied method of hydroxide flame melting natural ruby ​​powder and potassium dichromate and created "Geneva Ruby".

Since then, in order to meet scientific and technological development and industrial production for the special requirements of sapphire crystal quality, size, shape, and improve the yield of sapphire crystal, utilization and reduce costs, for sapphire growth method, the related research has been stopped and the result is also very significant. The manufacturing capability is going higher and higher. Meanwhile, the matched sapphire growth furnace is going larger and larger for producing crystal with large diameter. Nowadays, the diameter of crystal has increased from 2 inches to 12 inches.

With the rapid development of the sapphire growth, the importance has gone to the lower cost but higher quality. Generally speaking, the methods to grow sapphire crystal are solution growth, melt growth, and growth of three gas phases. And the melt growth due to a rapid growth rate, high purity and crystal integrity and good features, and is used to grow large and the most common method to crystal growth of a particular shape of the crystal.

By growing sapphire crystal, tungsten crucible and heating field are most important for its quality. If you are in need of high quality crucible, please feel free to contact sales@chinatungsten.com.

